The past few months have been challenging. Very challenging. I've heard about others having moments like this. Moments where you feel like a colossal failure. And in this moment I'm tempted to give up and throw in the towel. But then I remember, in those stories, the ones that dug deep, reached out and stayed strong were able to weather those storms and come out even better than before. In those moments, because they failed forward, they were not destroyed but instead were gloriously refined!
Failure often feels final, a broken ending, when in fact it is simply a part of the process, a piece of the journey which, when worked with in gentleness and faith, becomes a beautiful history.
So like those whose stories have inspired me. I choose to learn from their example and fail forward, to reach out and see a beautiful history with the promise of a spectacular sunrise.
Beautiful History - lyrics by Tiffany Arbuckle (Plumb)
"I have made mistakes and I have been afraid
I have felt alone then You called my name
Things were crashing loudly, happening all around me
But Your still small voice was all that I could hear
I am here, I'm holding you
You'll make it through this, I am here, I am here
I am here, I'm holding you
You'll make it through this, I am here, I am here
Whenever you run away
Whenever you lose your faith
It's just another stroke of the pen on the page
A lonely ray of hope is all that you'll need to see a beautiful history."
If you're having a moment of failure or just going through a rough season in general, my desire is that this post can spark some hope into your experience. Never forget, life has always just begun!